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Daikin Product Review Policy

Eligibility to Write Product Reviews

At Daikin, we value customer feedback. Therefore, only customers who have purchased a product from us are eligible to submit a review on our website. By adhering to these policies, Daikin ensures that all reviews on our website are genuine, relevant, and valuable to our customers.

Post-Purchase Review Request

After purchasing a product, you will receive an email request inviting you to review the product.

Review Submission Process

Upon receiving a review request, you will be asked to provide the following:

  • Overall Rating: Rate the product from 1 to 5 stars (1 = lowest, 5 = highest).
  • Opinion Summary: Share your thoughts in a sentence.
  • Detailed Experience: Provide detailed feedback in a free text field.

Calculating Average Scores

The average score for a product is calculated by taking the sum of all ratings and dividing it by the number of reviews. Each review is given equal weight in this calculation.

Review Moderation and Visibility

To ensure the integrity and appropriateness of reviews, each submission is reviewed by a Daikin employee. This process may cause a slight delay before the review is visible on the website.

Handling Negative Reviews

All reviews are treated equally; we will publish all reviews that comply with these policies and publish both positive and negative reviews.

Review Display Order

Reviews are displayed in chronological order, with the most recent reviews appearing first.

Ensuring Review Authenticity

Authenticity Verification

To guarantee the authenticity of our reviews, only verified purchasers are invited to submit reviews. Each review is read and evaluated by a Daikin employee. Reviews may be rejected for the following reasons:

  • Reviews shorter than four words
  • Inclusion of contact information (e.g., phone numbers, addresses, URLs)
  • References to external websites or YouTube channels
  • Mention of the current product price
  • Use of offensive language or discriminatory remarks
  • Reviews written in languages other than English
  • Multiple reviews submitted in quick succession with meaningless content.

Reviews with spelling errors, single sentences, or negative feedback about the product are acceptable, provided they meet the above criteria.

Review Modification and Removal

Conditions for Modification or Removal

Reviews may be modified or removed under specific circumstances. If a customer requests the removal of their review because they no longer wish to have their name displayed on our website, they may contact us with the review details (date and content) using the following email address: airpurifier@daikin.co.uk.

To maintain the integrity of our review system, reviews cannot be arbitrarily modified or removed. Only the original reviewer can request a change or removal, and this is only permitted if they have altered their opinion about the product.

Preventing Abuse

Any attempt to manipulate reviews, for example by directly or indirectly contributing false, misleading or inauthentic content, is strictly prohibited.

If you have attempted to manipulate a review or violated these policies in any other way, we reserve the right to remove reviews.

We invite anyone who suspects that a review has been manipulated or that our policies have been violated in any other way to notify us. We will carefully examine the problem and take appropriate action.

Tracking Removed Reviews

We do not maintain records of deleted reviews. Once a review is removed, it is permanently deleted from our system. However, reviews rejected during moderation remain accessible internally.

Handling Reviews for Updated Products

Reviews are linked to the specific products they were written for. We do not reuse reviews for new, updated, or refurbished products.

Policy on Incentivized Reviews

We do not accept or publish incentivized reviews. Reviews on our website are genuine and uncompensated, ensuring that they provide honest and unbiased feedback.

  By adhering to these policies, Daikin ensures that all reviews on our website are genuine, relevant, and valuable to our customers.

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